One month and a half isn’t already gone! Throught these few months BSD has accomplished a lot: we have raised over 2000 birr in less than a month. BSD thanks everyone who cooperated and donated. BSD is beyond proud of the students in Grade 9 and 10 who did community serevive during fall break. These students went out of their way to help several NGO’s by doing a range of activities to help make a change in this world. Keep up the good work guys! We hope this encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and help those who aren’t able to support themselve. If that’s through donating money or going to NGO’s then do it. Doing something is better than doing nothing so go out there and make a difference today!
Next month BSD will organize multiple Bake Sales during Halloween and Field Day. Come join us and donate some money. Let’s start Term 2 with open minds, curios eyes and bright smiles. We’ll see you guys tomorrow when Term 2 officially begins. We hope you accomplish all your goals and hopes and don’t forget to make a difference today 😜!!
